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Exclusive Interview with Bishop Tom Samson

Exclusive Interview with Bishop Tom Samson

A first encounter with this fiercesome looking, huge man of God will definitely get you thinking. Is he a military man, businessman, fashionista or a bishop? A gentle mien, smiling face and military
attire all looks contradictory yet this is the sight that confronts you when you meet Bishop Tom Samson. The reality dawns on you when you see the man of God in action, no holds barred, he is a real Christian General.

By Yomi Agbabiaka

Bishop tom Samson is a man of many parts, he represents the bridge between the old and new generation. He is a role model, an enigma, an icon, one who has blended his calling as a man of God with business and made outstanding success in both areas of life.

Perhaps, the most striking feature of this outstanding man of God is the youthful looks and entrepreneurship drive that has seen him at 47, achieve what many others older than him in ministry and business took a better part of sixty to accomplish.

His humility comes to the fore when you ask him the secret and he simply smiles and says ‘it’s a story of faith’.

From a humble background, Bishop Tom came as a blessing to his parents in December 1966. Originally from Ogunme-Kwale in Delta state, Bishop tom had his primary and secondary education at Ile-ife, Osun State before proceeding to Bendel state university (now Ambrose Alli University) where he bagged the B.Ed Biology. While in the university at the age of 19, Bishop Tom met with God and released himself as a born-again Christian. Right from his first year in the university, he had given everything up for Christ and the story of his life changed. At that same age, he heard the call of God into ministry and started winning souls for Him through campus evangelism. He started the Christ Royal Family Campus Fellowship at Ambrose Alli University and carried the message to other university campuses in Nigeria traversing Unilag, University of Ife (now OAU), university of Ibadan etc. His energy, zeal and passion for soul winning earned him the name ‘Violent Tom’ across the Niger-Delta interland and everywhere he preached the gospel.

After graduation, Bishop Tom heard God’s voice saying, ‘Go to Lagos, set the captives free and teach them how to reign in life’. Without any money in his pocket or relation in Lagos, not knowing where to sleep or where the next meal will come from, Bishop Tom packed his bags to Lagos to fulfill the dream and thus began the success story of the Charismatic Mentor of men.

For More Juicy Stories, Get your copy of GENESIS INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE, (Issue 6). Available with the vendors, and online on, Available also internationally in the USA in all Barnes & Nobles Stores, Chapters booksellers in Canada and in UK. 

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