By Chanel Latrice
What is Happiness to you? The feeling you get from music that stirs the soul, kisses from your favorite person, the peace experienced on getaways, knowing those you love are doing well? Happiness means something different to everyone. But one thing that most people agree on, is that the parts of their lives that truly bring happiness usually don’t come with a price tag. Purchasing things and attaining more assets may bring temporary satisfaction – but we find that the “new” smell and the gloss of our newly acquired stuff eventually fades away. This is why there are people who have access to anything their hearts desire in the material world, yet they live in misery. Things do not bring us happiness. Appreciation of the beauty in ourselves and others, noticing the miracles experienced in life and awareness of our spiritual connection bring us happiness. So when a person feels and says “I am not happy,” what they are truly saying is:
• I do not see beauty in myself.
• I find it difficult to recognize the beauty in others.
• I am not noticing the miracles occurring in my life.
• I am lacking a spiritual connection.