
Publisher’s suite 9: Celebrate Yourself

Celebrate Yourself!

Merry Xmas to all our Readers! Its yet another Xmas and we bid goodbye to the year 2015. Its been a very eventful year for individuals, nations and the world in general. The year witnessed lots of terror attacks everywhere, economies crumbled, governments were changed but the glad tiding however is that the world populace is resolved to move forward. Do we have a choice, yes of course! We could all have taken a back seat rather than doing that, we moved forward, as aspired, we dreamed, we set goals and pushed for it, so like the Yoruba adage says, ‘the agama lizard fell from a mighty iroko tree, he looked to the left and right, then said to himself, if no one eulogises me, I will congratulate myself’. In essence, that you are alive today, irrespective of your position, calls for a celebration! Celebrate yourself and those that matter to you, it’s the tonic you need to energize your system for the new year.

In the spirit of celebration, we present the winner of the maiden GENESIS INTERNATIONAL Magazine’s CEO of the Year Award 2015, Mr Bisi Onasanya, Group CEO/MD of the First Bank Group, in recognition of his Leadership qualities. He has through hardwork, innovativeness and creativity moved his organization forward wading through all challenges and excelling where others fail. We also had a very interesting session with the Group CEO of United Capitals Group, Mrs Toyin Sanni on the event of her 50th birthday celebrations. It was an exposee on the power of positive thinking as captured in her new book, Yes! You too can maximize your life. Paul Lamar Hunter is the 19th of 21 children and the only one who got a degree, it makes and inspirational story and what of the beautiful Dr Nasra Ali who left medical practice to make her dream coffee revolution a reality? We also celebrated the great jewel of inestimable value and the mama of Nigeria, HID Awolowo who passed on. So many beautiful and inspiring stories spiced with lots of entertainment, you can bet it, this edition is ‘da bomb’.

I’ll round up with the words of Williams Shakepeare, ‘there’s a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at flood, leads to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries’, the new year will come with its challenges but it will also come with opportunities, you have to identify and be ready for it. Have yourself a very Happy New Year!

Yomi Agbabiaka

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