Inside Out With Remi Agbabiaka
Visitors in command
Welcome to 2016, I will be adding another year to what I have already spent here on planet earth and that’s a debit on my statutory 120years or is it 70? Well, that’s for God to determine. Whichever way one thing is certain, minus one and that’s the way you too should think, an adage in my clan says, ‘olojo nkajo, eda o fiyesi’; the clocks of life ticks ceaselessly, men ignorantly ignore it but at his own peril. You and I need to get this one thing straight, the clock of life will not stop ticking just because you are whoever and the purpose for which you are in this world is yet unrealized.
There is no excuse, none will ever be accommodated before the creator, you could be an atheist or whatever, the truth is that you are not an accident in this world neither is this world a mere scientific cosmic mistake, the regularity, the orderliness and the beauty we see all around us cannot be an error of planetic manipulations, it was created by someone and that someone is God. It is high time you stopped deceiving yourself, no apology, your purpose in this great divine picture must be realized. Wherever you find yourself, Nigeria, America, Europe, Asia or wherever, you are there for a purpose. Coincidentally, you are the one that must locate that purpose, if you’ve found it, I rejoice with you and if otherwise, congratulate yourself that you’ve been given yet another opportunity to discover and work at it.
My cruse here is not to help you discover your purpose though this could still help but to make you avoid pitfalls to success in life. There is this silent thief that robs us all of getting there, it’s so subtle yet very effective in it mode of operation, Bishop Agyeman,called is Excusitis! Giving excuse for our shortcomings is one thing that we have all mastered and in all this, we pass the buck onto something or somebody else. The reality is that nobody will be responsible for the outcome but us. And thus, we will do well to nail the coffin of excuses and give our lives direction. Oftentimes, what we achieve with excuses is loading our tomorrow of unwanted burdens. Excuse is the Siamese twins of procrastination and they both do us no good. There are lots of things to do in this life of ours, there are inventions yet undiscovered, there are speeches yet undelivered, books yet unwritten, you’ll agree with me that there’s ample opportunity for the world to be a better place but that will depend on you and me. Whilst I don’t want to place the burden of resolutions on you, I still would love to wish you all the best that you wish yourself and believe that we can all contribute our quota to making mankind happier with our actions. Have a Merry Xmas and a very Happy New Year.